Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pickle Juice.

Jeffrey R. Holland... Sometimes hard to remember

A real hard one to swallow and truly understand that when i am thinking like this, it is only a reflection of something that is not quite right inside myself... I was talking to my mom about this stuff last night... her best advice - fake it. fake it til you make it. ( Also something that my Mission President's wife said to us Sisters often) Just tell yourself that you're happy for someone! even when you're not! Say it out loud and say it to them if you need to! Whatever it takes to change the negative thinking!! It's time to stop drinking that pickle juice and start tasting the sweet joy of being kind and loving.... Something I never thought that I needed to improve on.. but has become very evident that I really do....
Feed My Sheep - MTC Talk - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland - LayTreasuresInHeaven.com
 Jeffrey R. Holland - Pickle Juice.  (click to see video clip.)  

Envy is like downing another quart of pickle juice every time anyone around you has a happy moment


This whole blog thing is basically me putting my mind onto something more tangible in hopes to find knowledge and to hopefully inspire someone else along the way.

     Well, first off..... I have been called to serve for 18 months in the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission as a Full- Time Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I reported to the MTC on March 27th, 2013 but recently and unexpectedly, returned home for a time. I am currently working my way back to the mission field and while on my journey back to Oklahoma I have learned a few things about trials, obedience, and promises. The things i learn are the things i will be posting on here from time to time.